To create a FamilyAlbum DVD, please follow the steps below:
1. Go to the Store tab and tap "Create" under DVD
2. Choose between the TV version and PC version, then select your desired timespan. If you're creating a TV Version DVD, your timespan will be limited to 13 months. Album Admins (parent members) can also choose to include all videos or just those shared with the whole family. For more information on the differences between the TV and PC versions, please visit: What are FamilyAlbum DVDs?
3. Review your order details on the Order Review screen. On the Order Review screen, you can review and edit the following:
DVD Case Photo
Your DVD case photo is automatically selected from the end month of your selected timespan. You can choose a different photo by tapping "Change". Currently, we're currently only able to provide one jacket design per DVD order even if your order contains multiple DVDs.
The title of your DVD will appear underneath your selected timespan. By default, the title of your DVD will be your children's names and ages as of the end date of your selected timespan. To change, just tap "Title".
You'll also be able to choose the color of your case/disc(s). There are 5 colors to choose from: yellow, blue, pink, green, and gray. Currently, you can only choose one color even if your order contains multiple DVDs.
Media or Videos
Tap here to review or edit the photos and videos that will be included in your DVD (videos only for TV Version DVDs). Select or deselect media by tapping the circle mark in the upper-right corner.
Fit on 1 DVD (TV Version DVDs Only)
If you're creating a TV Version DVD and would like to limit your order to one disc, just set the "Fit on 1 DVD" option to ON. This will auto-select videos to include without exceeding the space available on one disc. This feature will select videos from that are spaced out as evenly as possible throughout the selected timespan. To check or edit what videos are selected, tap "Videos" on the Order Review screen.
4. After you've reviewed your order, tap "Go to Order Page" at the bottom of the screen. Enter your shipping information, tap "Continue to Payment", and enter your payment information. Tap "Confirm Order" to complete your order.
Please note that incomplete uploads won't be included on your DVD. We kindly ask you to confirm your DVD's content by tapping "Videos" or "Media" on the Order Review screen. If recent uploads aren't included, please go to the Store tab, tap "Create" under DVD, then select "Start Over" from the menu that appears.