The following cannot be done using the editing feature.
- Manually changing the order of photos and videos
Photos and videos are arranged by their Date Taken information. The order cannot be changed manually.
- Adding photos or videos taken outside the specified time period
You cannot add photos or videos that were taken outside the time period featured in the 1s Movie.
Example: You cannot add a photo taken in January 2024 when editing the 1s Movie for July - September 2024.
If you'd like to include a photo or video from a different time period, please go to the Album tab and change the Date Taken information so that it falls within the relevant time period.
- Changing background music
Neither the background music nor the starting and stopping points cannot be changed.
- Changing or specifying precise production elements
It is not possible to change the movement of photos or specify where videos are cut.
- Including videos shorter than 2.5 seconds
Videos under 2.5 seconds are too short to be used and cannot be included.
- Making changes to 1s Movies shared to the album
Any changes you make will only be applied to the 1s Movies in your collection. Changes will not be applied to any 1s Movies that have been shared in the album or saved on a device.