Please try again after checking the following:
• Wi-Fi network
Make sure your TV / casting device and smartphone are on the same Wi-Fi network
• If you are using iOS
Ensure that local network access is enabled.
• FamilyAlbum Premium Pro subscription status
Only those with a FamilyAlbum Premium Pro subscription are able to use the TV casting feature.
If you are not subscribed to Pro, please try again after subscribing.
• App version
The TV casting feature is available starting from FamilyAlbum version 20.11.0.
• Casting device compatibility
The TV casting feature can only be used with Chromecast or Chromecast with Google TV.
If your TV is not compatible, you will not be able to use casting. Please ask the manufacturer of your TV for any further details.
*TVs with Fire TV, Roku, or any other casting features besides Google TV / Android TV are also not supported.
If your issue persists, please contact us by going to Settings in the app and tapping Inquiries > Other > Inquiries.
We’ll do our best to help!