There are two different ways to edit your photobook. From the Preview screen, you can tap the cover or any page to edit its contents. If you'd like to edit your photo order or other details, please do so from the Edit screen.
Editing From the Preview Screen:
- Tap the cover page to edit the title, subtitle, or cover photo
- Tap a page to swap out its photo or add, edit, or remove its comment
Editing From the Edit Screen:
To open the Edit screen, tap the Edit button on the Preview Screen. After opening the Edit Screen, you'll be able to change the photo order of your photobook, as well as make any of the edits mentioned above by tapping the cover or any individual page. To manually change the photo order, tap and hold a photo, then drag it to a different position. You can also access the following options by tapping the menu icon in the top-right corner of your screen:
- Rearrange photos by date
- Delete all comments
- Rearrange photos manually
- Print dates on pages