Photos and videos downloaded from Tinybeans to your smartphone can be easily uploaded to the FamilyAlbum app. FamilyAlbum includes unlimited storage, so you can back up all of your memories for free.
If you still have all of your photos/videos saved on your computer or smartphone, we recommend uploading the original files to FamilyAlbum. If you don’t have the original files, don’t worry, you can still easily upload your Tinybeans photos and videos to FamilyAlbum.
If you would like to transfer a large amount of data from your computer, it’s possible to upload them all at once using our Computer Upload Site. However, you will need to register for our Premium subscription service in order to use this feature.
We offer free trial period the first time you register for FamilyAlbum Premium. If you're interested, we encourage you to try it out to see if the features would be useful for your family. More information is available at
Any photos and videos uploaded from a computer will remain visible even if you decide to end your subscription.
At FamilyAlbum, it's important to us that we continue to provide a free version that can be enjoyed on its own. Many of the perks that cost money in other apps, such as additional storage, are available for free with FamilyAlbum. We also have no plans to start charging for features currently available for free. We are grateful to all families who choose to use our service, whether they continue to use Premium or switch to the free version after transferring their photos/videos.
How to Upload from Your Computer with FamilyAlbum Premium
We recommend uploading the original photos and videos if possible. If you still have original photo/video files saved on your computer, skip to Step 2. If original photo/video files are saved on your smartphone, please see “How to Upload from Your Smartphone with the Free Version of FamilyAlbum”.
1. Download your photos and videos from Tinybeans to your computer. If you still have the original photo/video files, skip to Step 2.
2. Install the FamilyAlbum app on your smartphone and create an account.
3. Open the Settings tab and tap “Email Not Registered” to register an email address for your account.
4. Back in the Settings tab, tap “Premium” and then tap the button at the bottom of the screen to register for our Premium subscription service. After the free trial period, your subscription will be renewed and you'll be charged monthly fees unless it is cancelled at least 24 hours before the end of the trial period.
5. From your computer, visit and log in to our Computer Upload Site. We recommend using the latest version of Google Chrome.
6. Select the data downloaded from Lifecake in Step 1 and upload. Any photos and videos uploaded from a computer will remain visible even if you decide to end your Premium subscription.
How to Upload from Your Smartphone with the Free Version of FamilyAlbum
We recommend uploading the original photos and videos if possible. If you still have original photo/video files, skip to Step 2.
1. Download your photos and videos from Tinybeans to your phone. If you are an iPhone user and you'd like to upload files that have been downloaded to your computer, we recommend using Airdrop when transferring photos and videos to your device.
2. Open your FamilyAlbum app and visit the Add tab.
3. Select photos and videos then tap either “Share with Family” or “Partner Only” at the bottom of the screen to upload. “Partner Only” means that these items will only be visible to the child’s parents, whereas “Share with Family” items will be visible to everyone invited to the album.
FamilyAlbum for iOS
FamilyAlbum for Android