eGifts & Greetings
- What is the eGifts & Greetings service from FamilyAlbum?
- Why does the eGifts & Greetings service collect birthdays and how will they be used?
- How do I manage my birthday reminders?
- I want to stop receiving birthday notifications.
- How can I send eGifts & Greetings?
- How much does it cost to use the eGifts & Greetings service?
- What’s included?
- How are the greetings sent?
- Does the recipient need the FamilyAlbum app to view their digital gift?
- I lost my shareable link. Where can I find it?
- My digital greeting wasn't delivered. What should I do?
- Can I cancel a digital gift that I’ve scheduled?
- Is “eGifts & Greetings” safe?
- Where do I ask questions or make suggestions for eGifts & Greetings?