All basic features of FamilyAlbum are completely free to use, including unlimited storage and uploads.
We make money two ways: (1) when you purchase a photobook or other product from the app and (2) when you register for our Premium service, which adds bonus features to our already-awesome free version.
FamilyAlbum Premium offers extra features to complement the free version. With Premium, you can upload longer videos*, upload from your computer, view photos sorted by child, and write monthly journal entries. Plus, you’ll get more 1s Movies, additional sharing options, free shipping on Photobook/DVD orders, and more.
When one person subscribes, everyone in the album gets access to Premium. To register, open the Settings tab and tap Premium. You can unsubscribe and return to the free version any time. To learn more about Premium, please visit
*Videos uploaded to the free version of FamilyAlbum can be a maximum of 2 minutes long. With Premium, you can upload videos up to 10 minutes long.