Register/Log In
- How can I make my account more secure?
- I haven't received my authentication code.
- I can't log into my FamilyAlbum account. What should I do?
- My child's grandparent/relative changed their phone or has done something so they can't log in. What should they do?
- I'm planning on changing my smartphone. Will I still be able to log into my FamilyAlbum account?
- I registered an email address, but I forgot my password. What should I do?
- What’s the difference between Album Admins and Album Members?
- Can I log in to my account on multiple devices?
- I’m a member of someone else’s album. Can I make a new album for my child?
- Why haven't I received a verification email after registering an email address?
- What does it mean to set a password for my browser-version account?
- The app stops updating or downloading before it's finished. What's going on?
- How do I add a second child to my album?
- I’m asked to update Google Play services when logging in to FamilyAlbum. What should I do?