To subscribe an album to FamilyAlbum Premium, go to the Settings tab of that album and tap "FamilyAlbum Premium".
For Monthly Plans:
The subscription will be valid for one month, starting on the day the subscription is purchased.
For Yearly Plans:
The subscription will be valid for one year, starting on the day the subscription is purchased.
Subscriptions will continue to automatically renew if not canceled by the user.
Payment is handled by the App Store or Google Play. Payment can be made with credit cards, Apple Gift Card (iTunes cards), and Google Play cards.
To pay with an Apple Gift Card (iTunes card), you must redeem it to your Apple account beforehand; to pay with a Google Play card, you must redeem it to your Google Play account beforehand.
For more information, please refer to the support page for your preferred payment method.
iOS (Apple):
Android (Google Play):