You can check or cancel your subscription by following the steps listed below for your respective platform.
*Uninstalling FamilyAlbum does not cancel your subscription.
*Canceling your subscription to FamilyAlbum Premium will cause all family members in your Album to lose access to Premium features.
This will also give you information on the current billing cycle.
Please make sure to cancel your subscription at least 24 hours before it expires.
(Automatic renewal occurs within 24 hours of the expiration date.)
• iOS Devices (App Store)
Checking or Canceling Your Subscription
1. Open the App Store
2. Tap your profile icon in the upper right-hand corner
3. Tap "Subscriptions" on the Account screen
4. Tap "FamilyAlbum Premium" to see the status of your subscription.
You can cancel your subscription here by tapping "Cancel Subscription".
For information on how to check or cancel your subscriptions from a computer, please refer to the page linked below:
How to cancel a subscription from Apple - Apple Support
• Android Devices (Google Play Store)
Checking or Canceling Your Subscription
1. Open the Play Store app
2. Tap your profile icon in the upper right-hand corner, then tap "Payments & subscriptions", and tap "Subscriptions" to check your current subscription status
3. If you want to cancel your subscription, tap "Cancel" next to FamilyAlbum Premium.
For information on how to check or cancel your subscriptions from a computer, please refer to the page linked below:
Cancel, pause, or change a subscription on Google Play - Google Play Help